There’s a more complete review at Gizmodo here. Normally, I wouldn’t care that much because I’m not that hardware-focused and because the device doesn’t appear to be all that revolutionary. The review is generally positive – but not glowing – and I tend to subscribe to the now famous Marc Andreessen view that software – not hardware – is “eating the world.”
But here’s where I did think it warranted more coverage – and specifically healthcare attention. There’s not a lot of detail (let alone actual review), but unlike other smartphones, this one comes included with health sensors that are seamlessly integrated with a built-in “app” called S-Health.
From the Gizmodo review:
S Health: Holy crap,
Samsung put a health tracker in its phone! Which is actually a great
idea. S Health is an app that will track your steps, stairs climbed, and
the ambient temperature and humidity, plus track your food intake and
estimate calories consumed/burned. You can even track sleep with an
optional accessory (see below). Fitbit and co. should be nervous,
although I’m curious to see what kind of ding this puts on your battery
… and then a bit further on in the same review:
There are also a bevy of accessories
that complement the S Health app. There’s a wristband you can wear
independently of the phone (in case you prefer running with out it),
which will track your steps and monitor the quality of your sleep. It
will then sync wirelessly with the app. There’s also a connected scale
and heart rate monitor. Again, this isn’t good news for smaller fitness
tracking companies.
As best as I can tell, this makes Samsung the first manufacturer to fully embrace the integrated value of health sensors and
applications – in a single smartphone device – with accessories that
are supportive and not stand-alone or separate. Regardless of how well
it works, I’m just impressed that a global smartphone manufacturer has
finally begun to fully embrace this truly critical aspect of our
connected life – our healthcare.It’s really just another positive step and leading indicator in the evolution of technology and connected healthcare. I’m reserving actual applause until there’s more detail, but I do like the intriguing potential this has to engage consumers even more seamlessly with their healthcare life. At least for those of us living here in the U.S., it may not be all that long before the release schedule for new smartphones will need to include an FDA approval process. Let’s just hope we can find a way to make that process more seamless too.
Source: forbes
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