Thursday, 14 July 2016

Launching My First Demo Web App Online - Mindteck One Portal

Mindteck One Portal
Hello Coders, How you all doing ? Speaking of which, I am just trying to enjoy the Beautiful Weather of Bangalore, the best thing about is the frequent climate change! You no never when you gown stuck in the rain, or in a blazing sun!

Beauty always Prevails here!
Personally I am loving it.

So, until now you guys are thinking that this article's just started taking a U turn, out of sudden. We suppose to talk about my New Portal! Isn't it right?

Yes, We are just about to hit the floor.
Past Few Weeks, I have been working Part Time on this Portal.      

Our Company going to Launch this One Signed in thing, that means for logging in into any of the services  you need to use the same credential.

Before the RnD Team jump off and start working on it, they wanted a demo from the person who have come up with Idea in the first place.

It just happened, that I got this opportunity to jump in and get a head start with this Demo portal thing.

So I started working that portal in my free time during office hours.

Phases Of Development: 

1. Plan HTML File
2. Adding the Responsiveness Using Bootstrap
3. Mixing the PHP script for making the Login and Logut Functionality Working!
4. Added Header and Footer Thing, just to make it look good.

You can Visit My Portal From The Link Below:

Mindteck One Portal

Id: admin
Pass: 1234

Screen Shots:

Any Feedback or suggestions,  you can comment below to let me know! I am all ears 24x7. 

Stay tuned for some more stuffs, will be sharing the source code soon!

Thanks For being with Us please Like us On Fb==> computer Stuffs <==

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