Saturday, 30 April 2016

Awesome Learning Websites - List

All Best website for Learning and Unleashing you career in Software Industry.

The List will be keep on updating until the end of the time.

Today I started learning python, its one of the coolest scripting language and very much simple as compare to the Perl.
But everything having ups and down ! I am putting some more links from where you guys can take a head start on python.

This post contains all time best online tutorials links which include Online Video Tutorials as well as knowledge rich articles.

Links contains Core Java Tutorials, Advance Java Tutorials, Spring Core and Spring MVC.

Website List :

1.        [ Online Linux Terminal and Tutorial ]
2.      [ Perl Tutorial ]
3.      [ Java Tuorials : Core and Advance ]
4.                    [Spring and Hibernate]
5.  [Python Tutorial]
6. [Documentation on Python ]
7. [BST]
8. Java Regex Oracal Tutorial
9. [Best DB and MySQL tutorials]
10. JAVA EE Official Tutorials
11. Durga Spring MVC Full Tutorial
12. Mkyong Spring MVC
13. Java4s Spring MVC
14. JavaBrains
15. JDBC DurgaSoft Video
16. Stored Procedure MySQL
17. Normalization  - Beginners Book
18. Best Servlet Tutorials
19. DataStructure in Java - Youtube Channel [AWESOME!!!]

My Personal Links:

    1. Python Google Drive Link: Python Codes
    2.  Full Python Documents_Zip File : Python Materials
    3. Storage Materials_zip File: Storage Materials
    4.  Cover Letter  v1.0: CoverLetterV1_0  

To Be Continue...

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